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Fortnite Wiki
T Ui Dance 256
Express yourself!

Emotes are dance moves or other actions your character can perform in Battle Royale and Save the World. They can be used by pressing B on a keyboard or down on a controller d-pad:

Quick Emotes[]

Quick Emotes are bubbles which indicates your teammate when you are in need of something.

Category Image Need/Event
Weapon Callout weapon icon Need Weapon.
Materials Callout materials icon Need materials.
Enemy Callout enemy icon Enemy spotted
Health Callout heals icon Need health.
Callout shields icon Need shield
Ammunition Callout mediumammo icon Need Medium Ammo
Callout lightammo icon Need Small Ammo
Callout heavyammo icon Need Heavy Ammo
Callout shellsammo icon Need Shells.
Callout rocketammo icon Need Rockets
Other Callout bubble icon ...

List of Emotes[]

Image Name Rarity Type Set Description Cost Source
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HighTowerDate-L Uncommon Emote
T-Icon-Emotes-E-AncientGladiator-L A Warrior Prepares Uncommon Emote Fight dirty. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 5
Accolades Accolades Rare Emote Soak it all in. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Advanced Math Advanced Math Rare Emote Break it down and show your work. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Air Horn Air Horn Uncommon Emote Subtle. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-AirGuitar-L Air Shredder Rare Emote The guitar is in your mind. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 3
Amazing Cube - Emote Amazing Cube Uncommon Emote "Wow your friends! Intimidate your enemies! Be a hit at parties!" 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Around the Clock Around the Clock Rare Emote Nutcracker Keep time. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Azarath Metrion Zinthos! - Emote Azarath Metrion Zinthos! DC Emote Teen Titans Hone your power taught from the Monks of Azarath. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 6
Backstroke Backstroke Rare Emote Put your back into it. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
BallerEmote Baller Rare Emote Show off your moves. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Balletic Balletic Rare Emote So graceful. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Ballsy Ballsy Rare Emote Keep your eye on the ball. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-AthenaEmotes-E-BannerFlagWave Banner Wave Rare Emote Show your true colors. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Bat Signal Bat Signal DC Emote Gotham City Did somebody order a Batman? 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Batman Gear Bundle
BattleCallEmote Battle Call Uncommon Emote Heed the call. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
BeSeeingYouIcon Be Seeing You Uncommon Emote John Wick Not if I see you first. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Beep Beep Beep Beep Uncommon Emote Comin' through! Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 2
BeholdEmote Behold! Uncommon Emote Look at this! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote1 Best Mates Rare Emote Who's your best mate? Battle Pass Season 3
T-Icon-Emotes-E-Bollywood-L Bhangra Boogie Rare Emote Celebrate together. 500 V-bucks icon OnePlus Exclusive, Bhangra Boogie Cup, Item Shop
Billy Bounce Billy Bounce Rare Emote You do you. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-AutumnTea-L Blinding Lights Icon Emote It's all in the footwork. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Bloomin'Bouquet Bloomin' Bouquet Uncommon Emote Freshly picked for you. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
BlowingBubbles Blowing Bubbles Rare Emote Get poppin. Battle Pass Season 10
Bobbin' Bobbin' Rare Emote Really get into it. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Boing! Boing! Epic Emote Put a little spring into your step. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 1
Bold Stance Bold Stance Rare Emote Stand your ground and break it down. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
BombasticEmote Bombastic Rare Emote Step up and show 'em what you've got. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Boneless Boneless Rare Emote Beyond bendy. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Boobytrapped Boobytrapped Epic Emote The sea delivers. Buccaneer's Bounty Challenges
BoogieDownEmote Boogie Down Epic Emote Boogie Down with Populotus. Enable Two-Factor Authentication
T-Icon-Emotes-E-BoomBox-L Boomin' Epic Emote Music on the move. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 5
Boots 'n' Cats - Emote Boots N' Cats Rare Emote Beat outside the box. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 6
Bounce Berry Bounce Berry Icon Emote Loserfruit One sweet little berry. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Loserfruit Bundle
Bouncer Bouncer Rare Emote Hop on. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
BreakdownEmote Breakdown Epic Emote Break it down. Battle Pass Season 5
Emote3 Breakin' Epic Emote Bust a move! 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote17 Breaking Point Uncommon Emote Give 'em a break. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Breakneck Breakneck Epic Emote Break it down, just don't break your neck. Battle Pass Season 10
Ico (5) Breezy Uncommon Emote Hot Air Any way the wind blows. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
BringItEmote Bring It Uncommon Emote Let's see what you've got. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote8 Brush Your Shoulders Uncommon Emote Get that dirt off your shoulder. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Buckets Buckets Uncommon Emote Hang Time Own the game. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Buckle Up Buckle Up Rare Emote Line 'em up, pard'ner. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
BulletproofIcon Bulletproof Uncommon Emote John Wick Brush it off. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Bully Bully Uncommon Emote Get ready to charge.
BunnyHopEmoteIcon Bunny Hop Rare Emote Put all your eggs in one basket. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Burpee Burpee Uncommon Emote Set a new personal best. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Burst Case Scenario Emote Icon Burst Case Scenario Uncommon Emote In Space... That's some serious indigestion. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Space Gear Bundle
Business Hips Business Hips Rare Emote Put some swivel in your step. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
BusyEmote Busy Rare Emote I'll be with you in just a moment. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
C'mere C'mere Uncommon Emote Don't make me go over there. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
CalculatedEmote Calculated Rare Emote Think about it. Battle Pass Season 5
CallMe Call Me Uncommon Emote Seriously though, just send a text. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 2
Cap Kick Cap Kick Uncommon Emote Give it a kick. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
CapoeiraEmote Capoeira Rare Emote Are you ready to dance with danger? 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Cardistry - Emote Cardistry Rare Emote Watch the hands. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 6
Cartwheelin' Cartwheelin' Rare Emote Head over heels. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Cat Flip Cat Flip Rare Emote Lynx Show your catlike reflexes. Battle Pass Season 7, Lynx Challenges
CheerUpIcon-512x512 Cheer Up Epic Emote Be aggressive. B-E aggressive. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
ChickenEmote Chicken Rare Emote Top of the pecking order. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Chicken Wing - Emote Chicken Wing It Icon Emote Sometimes you just need to make up a dance on the spot. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Chimichanga! Chimichanga! Marvel Emote Deadpool Too hot! Too hot! 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Deadpool Gear Bundle
Clean Groove Clean Groove Rare Emote Dust off your best moves. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Click Click! Uncommon Emote Jump for joy. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
CluckStrutIcon Cluck Strut Rare Emote Who're you calling chicken? Battle Pass Season 9
Coin Flip Coin Flip Uncommon Emote Best two out of three? Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 2
Confused Confused Rare Emote Seriously. What happened? 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote Conga Conga Rare Emote Get in line. Battle Pass Season 8
T-Icon-Emotes-E-GrilledCheese-L Controller Crew Icon Emote TheGrefg Two sticks. One heart. 300 V-bucks icon TheGrefg's Floor is Lava, Item Shop, TheGrefg Bundle
Crabby Crabby Rare Emote Ready in a pinch. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Crackdown Crackdown Epic Emote Nutcracker Go nuts. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
CrazyFeetEmote Crazy Feet Rare Emote Wild and crazy feet! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Crazyboy CrazyBoy Icon Emote Never forget your pure heart and fight on. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
CrissCrossEmote Criss Cross Rare Emote Get your point across. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Cyberdyne Salute - Emote Cyberdyne Salute Epic Emote Future War He’ll be back. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Future War Bundle
Emote6 Dab Rare Emote Express yourself on the battlefield. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Dabstand Dabstand Uncommon Emote Get a leg up on the competiton. Battle Pass Season 10, Level-Headed Missions
Emote7 Dance Moves Common Emote Express yourself on the battlefield.
DanceOffIcon Dance Off Marvel Emote Guardians Of The Galaxy Star-Lord's perfect distraction. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
DanceTherapyEmote Dance Therapy Epic Emote Let it all out. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
DarkSide Dark Side StarWars Emote The New Trilogy There is a great disturbance in the force. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Daydream Daydream Epic Emote Dance the day away. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-Backspin-L Daywalker's Kata Marvel Emote Blade Bloodsuckers beware. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Blade Bundle
Deep Dab Deep Dab Uncommon Emote Bring 'em down to your level. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Deep End Emote Icon Deep End Rare Emote Dive in. 14 Days of Summer
DeniedEmote Denied Uncommon Emote Not this time. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
DipEmote Dip Uncommon Emote Take a dip. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
DiscSpinner Disc Spinner Rare Emote Put on a show. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
DiscoFever Disco Fever Epic Emote Fortnite Fever Heat up the dance floor. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Funk Ops Bundle, Loeya’s Locker Bundle
Distracted Distracted Uncommon Emote Plan of attack... entirely forgotten. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-LetsBegin-L Don't Start Now Icon Emote I'm better on the other side. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
DoubleUp Double Up Rare Emote It takes two... 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
DragonStance Dragon Stance Rare Emote Brood Form of the dragon. Hybrid Challenges
Dream Feet Dream Feet Rare Emote Get some boogie in your boots. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Droop Droop Rare Emote Dig deep. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 1
DropTheBassEmote Drop The Bass Epic Emote Twin Turntables Wait for it... 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
DrumMajorIcon-512x512 Drum Major Rare Emote Lead the line, and step in time. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Dynamic Shuffle Dynamic Shuffle Icon Emote I know the moves! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
EagleEmote Eagle Rare Emote Believe you can fly. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote9 Electro Shuffle Epic Emote Express yourself on the battlefield. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
ElectroSwingEmote Electro Swing Rare Emote Brand new groove, old school swing. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Rare Emote Interplanetary groove. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote10 Face Palm Uncommon Emote The cringe is real. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Fanciful Fanciful Rare Emote Just a little dance to get the heartrate going. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
FancyFeetEmote Fancy Feet Rare Emote Show off that footwork. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-SoccerTraversal-L Fancy Footwork Rare Emote Keep 'em guessing all the way to the goal. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Fandangle Fandangle Rare Emote Loosen up and prepare for nonsense. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Featherweight Featherweight Uncommon Emote Do you even lift? Battle Pass Season 10, Level-Headed Missions
Feelin' Jaunty Feelin' Jaunty Rare Emote For when strutting just won't cut it. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
1FierceTing Fierce Rare Emote 24K Utterly dominated. Luxe Challenges
Emote11 Finger Guns Uncommon Emote Express yourself on the battlefield. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
FingerWagEmote Finger Wag Uncommon Emote Not today, my friend. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Fire Spinner Fire Spinner Epic Emote Heat it up. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Fishin' Fishin' Icon Emote There's always time for a little fishin'. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
FistPumpEmote Fist Pump Uncommon Emote Emphatically flailing fists. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
FlamencoEmote Flamenco Epic Emote Clap it up. Battle Pass Season 6
Emote12 Flapper Rare Emote It's the bee's knees! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Flex On 'Em Flex On 'Em Uncommon Emote Hang Time Let them know. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-SuperHeroBackflip-L Flippin' Away Uncommon Emote Back in action. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 3
FlippinIncredibleEmote Flippin' Incredible Rare Emote Flip on 'em. Flex on 'em. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote26 Flippin' Sexy Rare Emote Flip out! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote14 Floss Rare Emote Express yourself on the battlefield. Battle Pass Season 2
Flux Flux Rare Emote Stay in the flow. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Focused Focused Uncommon Emote Stay focused in the heat of battle. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Free Free Flow Epic Emote Feel the flow. Battle Pass Season 7
Freemix Freemix Rare Emote Anything goes. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
FreestylinEmote Freestylin' Epic Emote Tear up the dance floor. Twitch Prime Pack 2
Emote15 Fresh Epic Emote Express yourself on the battlefield. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Fright Funk Fright Funk Rare Emote Show off your ghoulish groove. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Full Tilt Full Tilt Rare Emote Lean into it. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
GangnamStyle Gangnam Style Icon Emote Pony up and ride. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
GentlemansDabEmote Gentleman's Dab Uncommon Emote Salutations good sir! Battle Pass Season 5
GetFunkyIcon-512x512 Get Funky Rare Emote Find your groove. Battle Pass Season 7
T-Icon-Emotes-E-DaBounce-L Get Loose Uncommon Emote Ready for whatever comes your way. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Glitter Glitter Rare Emote Show your sparkle. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Glowsticks Icon Glowsticks Epic Emote Make it glow. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Glyphic Glyphic Rare Emote A dance for the ages. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Go Home! Go Home! Uncommon Emote Leave us alone! 100 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Go Mufusa Emote Icon Go Mufasa Icon Emote I did it legit-ly. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
GoGoGoEmote Go! Go! Go! Uncommon Emote You can do it! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Golf Clap Golf Clap Uncommon Emote Good show. Good show. Battle Pass Season 7
Grand Salute Grand Salute Marvel Emote Avengers A salute to all heroes. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop
GrooveJam Groove Jam Epic Emote Untamed groove. Battle Pass Season 4
Ground Pound Ground Pound Uncommon Emote Take it for a spin. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Guitar Walk Guitar Walk Rare Emote Play on. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote13 Gun Show Uncommon Emote Express yourself on the battlefield. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
HandSignalsEmote Hand Signals Rare Emote All signals go? 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Hang Loose Hang Loose Uncommon Emote Take it easy. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Hang On Hang On Uncommon Emote Let's just talk this out... 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Harmony Harmony Uncommon Emote Achieve inner balance. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Have a Seat Have a Seat Uncommon Emote Pull up a chair and relax. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop, EpikWhale's Locker Bundle
Head Banger Head Banger Icon Emote Travis Scott Open it up! 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Astronomical Gear
HeadbangerEmote Headbanger Rare Emote Bang your head against the air. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote HelloFriend Hello Friend Uncommon Emote Hi there! Battle Pass Season 8
High Five High Five Rare Emote Up top. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 1
HitchhikerEmote Hitchhiker Rare Emote Take a hike. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote HoopMaster Hoop Master Epic Emote Round and round. Battle Pass Season 8
Hootenanny Hootenanny Rare Emote Yee haw! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Hoppity Hoppity Rare Emote Without the hippity there can be no hoppity. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
HotMaratEmote Hot Marat Rare Emote Wreck the dance floor. 0 V-bucks icon Item Shop
HotStuffEmote Hot Stuff Uncommon Emote Tss! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HighTowerTomato-L Hover Marvel Emote Iron Man Iron Man AI Hovers
HowlEmote Howl Uncommon Emote Stand in front of a moon for maximum effect. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
HulaEmote Hula Epic Emote Get the luau started! 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
HulaHoopin(Emote) Hula Hoopin' Rare Emote Practice makes perfect. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 1
Hype Hype Rare Emote Get hyped. Battle Pass Season 4
I Declare! I Declare! Uncommon Emote Be your own biggest fan. Love and War
T-Icon-Emotes-E-KeeperDreamChorus-L I'm Diamond Icon Emote You know I glow up. 800 V-bucks icon BTS Dynamite Pack
IDK IDK Uncommon Emote Don't ask me. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Infectious Infectious Rare Emote Let it take over. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
InfiniteDabEmote Infinite Dab Rare Emote Can't stop, won't stop. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
IntensityEmote Intensity Epic Emote Dance like you mean it. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-PlayerEleven-L Introducing... Rare Emote Make yourself known. Playstation Plus Celebration Pack 10
Island Vibes Island Vibes Rare Emote Strum a happy little tune. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-RichFam-L It's Complicated Rare Emote Turn some heads. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-KeeperDreamHook-L It's Dynamite! Icon Emote Light it up! 800 V-bucks icon BTS Dynamite Pack
ItsGoTimeEmote It's Go Time! Rare Emote It's now or right now! Battle Pass Season 6
T-Icon-Emotes-E-Football20TD-L It's Good! Uncommon Emote Straight through the uprights! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Jabba Switchway Emote Icon Jabba Switchway Icon Emote I'm a little bit different. They get it. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Jamboree Jamboree Rare Emote Celebrate anything and everything. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Jaywalking Jaywalking Rare Emote Don't just walk the line. Battle Pass Season 10
Jazz Hands Jazz Hands Uncommon Emote Get jazzy. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
JediTraining Jedi Training StarWars Emote The New Trilogy Sharpen your skills. Star Wars Challenges
Jitterbug Jitterbug Rare Emote We're buggin' out! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
JobWellDoneEmote Job Well Done Uncommon Emote That's that. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Jubilation Jubilation Uncommon Emote A heaping helping of happiness! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Jugglin' Jugglin' Rare Emote Pure concentration. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Jumbo Popcorn - Emote Jumbo Popcorn Uncommon Emote This is gonna be a really good one! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
JumpJetsIcon Jump Jets Rare Emote Battle Dynamics Lift with your legs. Sentinel Challenges
Jumping Jacks Jumping Jacks Uncommon Emote Get jacked! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
KeepItMelloEmoteIcon Keep It Mello Icon Emote Marshmello Join in the fun. Showtime Challenges
T-Icon-Emotes-MonteKeyboard-L Keyed Up Rare Emote Lock in the melody. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 3
KickUpsEmote Kick Ups Rare Emote Look, no hands. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote2 Kiss Kiss Rare Emote Royale Hearts Show some love. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Kiss The Cup Kiss The Cup Uncommon Emote Relish your victories. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Kite! Kite! Rare Emote Let's fly! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
KneeSlapperEmote Knee Slapper Rare Emote Rustle up the rhythm. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
LaidBackShuffleIcon Laid Back Shuffle Rare Emote It's all in the legs. Battle Pass Season 9
T-Icon-Emotes-E-TwistEternity-L Last Forever Icon Emote Who said love don't last forever? 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
LaughItUpEmote Laugh It Up Rare Emote What's so funny? 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
LavishIcon Lavish Rare Emote Join in the celebration. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Icon (30) Lazer Blast Icon Emote Lazerism Major moves. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Major Lazer Bundle
Lazy Shuffle Lazy Shuffle Rare Emote Keep it lazy. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Leapin' Leapin' Rare Emote Bounce with joy. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
LivingLargeEmote Living Large Rare Emote Life is good. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
LlamaBellEmote Llama Bell Epic Emote Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Llama Conga Llama Conga Rare Emote Trot on. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
LlamacadabraEmote Llamacadabra Epic Emote Don't forget the magic word. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Lock It Up Lock It Up Uncommon Emote Snap into place. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
LunchBreak Lunch Break Icon Emote LazarBeam I want five of 'em. Item Shop, LazarBeam Bundle, Lazar & Fresh's Super Knockback
Make It Plantain Make It Plantain Rare Emote It's bananas. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote19 Make it Rain Rare Emote Better grab an umbrella! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
MarshWalkIcon-512x512 Marsh Walk Icon Emote Marshmello Keep it mello. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Marshmello Bundle
Martial Arts Master Martial Arts Master DC Emote Gotham City Master the art of battle. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Batman Gear Bundle
Mashed Potato Mashed Potato Rare Emote Gravy not included. Chapter 2 Season 5 Weekly Epic Quests
Members Only Members Only Rare Emote Are you in the club? January 2021 Crew Pack, February 2021 Crew Pack
Mic Drop Mic Drop Rare Emote We're done here. Battle Pass Season 7
Mime Time Mime Time Rare Emote Please take me seriously. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Mind Blown Mind Blown Uncommon Emote Rethink everything you know. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Moon Bounce Moon Bounce Rare Emote Gravity can't hold you down. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
MyIdolEmote My Idol! Uncommon Emote the presence of a legend. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote NanaNana Nana Nana Rare Emote Banana Bunch Have a bunch of fun! Battle Pass Season 8
Never Gonna Never Gonna Icon Emote Surprisingly smooth. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
NinjaStyle Ninja Style Icon Emote Ninja The moves of a true ninja. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Ninja Bundle
NoSweat No Sweat Rare Emote Final Showdown With one hand tied behind your back. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
OfficeCharriot Office Chariot Rare Emote Go for a spin. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Old School Old School Rare Emote Never out of style. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
OnTheHookEmote On the Hook Rare Emote Reel in a prize catch. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-RaceStart-L On Your mark... Uncommon Emote Don't forget to stretch.
OnYourMarks... On Your Marks... Uncommon Emote Get set... Go!
OrangeJustice Orange Justice Rare Emote It's also a great exercise move. Battle Pass Season 4
Out West Out West Icon Emote Jump off the back of the bus. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HNYGoodRiddance-L Out With The Old Uncommon Emote May your new year be a blowout. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Overdrive Overdrive Rare Emote Push it past the limit. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-TennisPaddle-L Paddle Royale Uncommon Emote Hop on the paddle bus. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Pandemonium Pandemonium Rare Emote Keep it saucy! Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 2
PartyFavor Party Favor Uncommon Emote Get Cracking. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Party Hips Party Hips Uncommon Emote Some strings attached. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Paws & Claws Paws & Claws Rare Emote Meow it's time to dance. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 2
PeaceOutIcon Peace Out Uncommon Emote Sky Style Keep It Positive. Rox Challenges
Pelé’s Air Punch Pelé's Air Punch Icon Emote A celebration fit for a king. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-Football20Flag-L Penalty Uncommon Emote Straight through the uprights! 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Phew! Phew! Uncommon Emote I was almost worried for a second. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Phone It In Icon Phone it in Epic Emote Lay down a saxy groove. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Phono Follies - Emote Phono Follies Uncommon Emote Throw another nickel in and watch that turntable spin. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Pick It Up Pick It Up Rare Emote Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
52 - KuKoTFc Pickin' Rare Emote And grinnin'. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Pirouette Pirouette Uncommon Emote On point. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
PizzaPartyEmote Pizza Party Uncommon Emote Pizza Pit Delicious. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-HandsUp-L Planetary Vibe Epic Emote Bring 'em into your orbit. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 3
PointItOutIcon Point It Out Rare Emote Ice Kingdom You've been warned. The Ice King Challenges
Poki Poki Icon Emote Positively enthusiastic. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Pony Up Pony Up Rare Emote Yeehaw! Battle Pass Season 2
Poof Poof Uncommon Emote Beguile your enemies in a cloud smoke. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
PopLockEmote Pop Lock Epic Emote Lock it down. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Popcorn Popcorn Rare Emote This is gettin' good. Battle Pass Season 4
PraiseTheTomatoEmote Praise The Tomato Rare Emote Splatter unto thee. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
PricklyPoseIcon Prickly Pose Uncommon Emote Completely inconspicuous. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Primo Moves Primo Moves Rare Emote Take it to the max! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Pull Up - Emote Pull Up Icon Emote Pull Up and take the challenge. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Pump It Up Pump It Up Rare Emote Carve out some space on the dance floor. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
PumpernickelEmote Pumpernickel Rare Emote Get pumped. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Fresh's Locker Bundle
Punched Up Punched Up Uncommon Emote Show off your form. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote25 Pure Salt Rare Emote All-purpose seasoning. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
PWR Punch Emote Icon PWR Punch Icon Emote PWR I'm the earth-quaker. 300 V-bucks icon Lachlan’s Pickaxe Frenzy, Item Shop, Lachlan Bundle
Quick Bite - Emote Quick Bite DC Emote The Flash Grab a light (speed) snack. Item Shop, Flash Bundle
Rage Rage Icon Emote Travis Scott It's Lit! Astronomical Challenges
Rage Quit Rage Quit Uncommon Emote I'm out. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Raining Doubloons Raining Doubloons Rare Emote Make it rain gold. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Raise the Cup - Emote - Fortnite Raise The Cup Uncommon Emote Winning looks good on you. 200 V-bucks icon Raise The Cup Tournament, Item Shop
Raise The Roof Raise The Roof Uncommon Emote Go ahead, we won't judge. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
RambunctiousEmote Rambunctious Rare Emote The embodiment of boundless energy. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
RawrEmote Rawr Rare Emote Dino Guard Tyrannosaurus royale. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote31 Reanimated Epic Emote From beyond the rave! 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
RedCardEmote Red Card Uncommon Emote Foul play! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
RegalWaveEmote Regal Wave Uncommon Emote Greetings royale. Battle Pass Season 6
StarWarsThumbsUp Resistance Thumbs Up StarWars Emote The New Trilogy Encouragement across the galaxy. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Respect Respect Uncommon Emote For worthy combatants. Battle Pass Season 4
RespectThePeace Respect The Peace Uncommon Emote Show some respect. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 1
Ravel Revel Uncommon Emote Nothing wrong with a little celebration. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-RibbonDance-L Ribbon Dancer Rare Emote Can't deny the ribbon. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Ride Along Ride Along Epic Emote Time for a little sleigh ride. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote22 Ride the Pony Rare Emote Express yourself on the battlefield. Battle Pass Season 2, Save the World
Ring It On Ring It On Rare Emote Shake those bells. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
RockOut Rock Out Epic Emote Volume 11 Are you ready to rock?! 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
RockPaperScissors Rock Paper Scissors Uncommon Emote Best out of three. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote24 Rocket Rodeo Epic Emote Hang on tight! 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
RocketSpinnerEmote Rocket Spinner Rare Emote Don't try this at home! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Rollie Rollie Icon Emote Dab of ranch not included. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
RunningManEmote Running Man Rare Emote The challenge is to never stop running. Battle Pass Season 6
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HackySack-L Sackin' Uncommon Emote Can you hack it? 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Sad Claps Sad Claps Uncommon Emote Clap through the sadness.
SadTromboneIcon Sad Trombone Rare Emote Womp womp. Battle Pass Season 9
Emote20 Salute Uncommon Emote At ease! Battle Pass Season 3
Sasquatchin' Sasquatchin' Uncommon Emote Put your best bigfoot forward. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-Feral-L Savage Icon Emote You a challenger or what? 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
SavorTheWIcon-512x512 Savor The W Rare Emote This is what winning looks like. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HotPink-L Say So Icon Emote Roll with the changes. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
ScenarioEmoteIcon Scenario Rare Emote IKONIK Make it happen. Samsung Galaxy S10 promotions
Scootin' Scootin' Marvel Emote Deadpool Dangerously dainty. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Deadpool Gear Bundle
Scorecard Scorecard Uncommon Emote Consider yourself judged. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Shadow Boxer Shadow Boxer Uncommon Emote Stick and move. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Shadow Spar Shadow Spar Uncommon Emote Train for victory. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
ShakeItUpEmote Shake It Up Epic Emote Feel the rhythm. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Shantyforasquad Shanty for a Squad Rare Emote Keep the tempo and catch the wave. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
ShaolinSit Shaolin Sip Uncommon Emote Mind over body, but first-tea. Winterfest
ShaolinSitUpIcon-512x512 Shaolin Sit-Up Uncommon Emote Mind over body. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Sharpshooter Sharpshooter Uncommon Emote Lookin' good out there. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 1
ShimmerIcon-512x512 Shimmer Rare Emote Bordering on excessive levels of sass. Battle Pass Season 7
Showstopper Showstopper Rare Emote Pull out all the stops. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
SideHustle Side Hustle Rare Emote The whole world's on your side. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 2
SignSpinnerIcon Sign Spinner Epic Emote In it to spin it. Battle Pass Season 9
SignatureShuffle Signature Shuffle Epic Emote Show off your signature moves. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-SingAlong-L Sing Along Uncommon Emote C'mon, you know the words! 0 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Sizzlin' Sizzlin' Epic Emote Flip with flavor. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Skipper Skipper Uncommon Emote Hop, skip, jump. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Slap Happy Slap Happy Rare Emote Stop hitting yourself. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
SlickIcon-512x512 Slick Rare Emote Makin' it look easy. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Squatingdog's Locker Bundle
Slitherin'Emote Slitherin' Rare Emote Undeniably hypnotic. Battle Pass Season 6
Emote27 Slow Clap Uncommon Emote Express yourself on the battlefield. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Smeeze Emote Icon Smeeze Icon Emote Hop to it. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
SmoothMovesEmote Smooth Moves Epic Emote Make them swoon. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
SnapEmote Snap Marvel Emote Balance is restored. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote Snoozefest Snoozefest Rare Emote Yawn. Battle Pass Season 8
Snow Day Snow Day Rare Emote We'll make him our best friend. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Snowshaker Snowshaker Rare Emote A Winter Wonderland in your hand. Winterfest
T-Icon-Emotes-DontBeSquare-L So Square Uncommon Emote Like, seriously. So square. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 3
SomethingStinksEmote Something Stinks Rare Emote Whoever smelt it. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
SparklerEmote Sparkler Uncommon Emote So sparkly! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
SpikeItEmote Spike It Rare Emote Celebrate a big play. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Spring-Loaded Spring-Loaded Rare Emote Handspring into action. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Springy Springy Epic Emote Always bounce back. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 2
SprinklerEmote Sprinkler Rare Emote Sprinkled with style. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Spyglass Spyglass Rare Emote Land ho! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
SquatKick Squat Kick Epic Emote Don't skip leg day. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
StarPowerEmote Star Power Epic Emote No autographs please. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Statuesque Statuesque Uncommon Emote So lifelike! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Steamed Steamed Uncommon Emote Let off some steam. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote18 Step it Up Rare Emote Do a little jig. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
PraiseStorm Storm Salutation Uncommon Emote Respect the storm.
T-Icon-Emotes-BadMood-L Stormy Uncommon Emote The forcast calls for frowns. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 3
Stride Stride Rare Emote Find a groove, and hit your stride. Battle Pass Season 10
Strut Strut Rare Emote Take your time, you'll get there. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Sugar Rush Sugar Rush Rare Emote Shake it til you crash. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
SwipeItEmote Swipe It Rare Emote Swipe it over and over again. Battle Pass Season 5
SwitchstepEmoteIcon Switchstep Rare Emote Switch it up. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-PoseEmote T-Pose Uncommon Emote Chin up, arms straight! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Taco Time Taco Time Rare Emote The Leftovers Set your tacos free. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
TaiChiEmote Tai Chi Rare Emote Find your balance. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Take14Emote Take 14 Uncommon Emote ...and action! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HappyBirthday-L Take The Cake Uncommon Emote Enjoy the big blowout!
Icon (45) Take the Elf Uncommon Emote Break out the mistletoe. 14 Days of Fortnite
Emote28 Take the L Rare Emote Savor the W. Battle Pass Season 3
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HailingCab-L Taxi! Uncommon Emote When you got places to be. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Icon (31) Team Burger Uncommon Emote The Leftovers Be beefy. 100 V-bucks icon Item Shop
TeamMecha Team Mech Uncommon Emote Final Showdown Mecha Team Leader forever! 100 V-bucks icon Item Shop
TeamMonster Team Monster Uncommon Emote Final Showdown You monster! 100 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Team Space Team Space Uncommon Emote UFO Humanity had its chance. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Icon (32) Team Tomato Uncommon Emote The Leftovers Stay saucy. 100 V-bucks icon Item Shop
The Flow Emote Icon The Flow Icon Emote Crow Foe Flow? Let's go! 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-JustHome-L The Renegade Icon Emote Win big. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote23 The Robot Epic Emote Execute dance sequence. Battle Pass Season 3
Emote30 The Worm Rare Emote Express yourself on the battlefield. Battle Pass Season 2
ThumbsDownEmote Thumbs Down Uncommon Emote Nah. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
ThumbsUpEmote Thumbs Up Uncommon Emote Aye! 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Tidy Tidy Rare Emote Keep it tidy. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
TimeOutEmote Time Out Uncommon Emote Stop the clock. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Tiniest Violin Tiniest Violin Uncommon Emote Extend your tiniest sympathies. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-PartyJazzTwinkleToes-L Tippy Tap Rare Emote It's a real toe tapper. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 3
T-Icon-Emotes-E-RoastingMarshmallows-L Toasty Uncommon Emote Keep it mallow. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Toosie Slide Toosie Slide Icon Emote Let it slide. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
TraLaLa Tra La La Uncommon Emote Sometimes you just need to skip the battle. Battle Pass Season 10
Traitor Traitor! StarWars Emote The New Trilogy Bring order to the galaxy. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop
TreatYourselfEmote Treat Yourself Rare Emote Go ahead and take two... or the entire bucket. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
TrueHeartEmote True Heart Epic Emote <3 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop, NichEh30's Locker Bundle
Emote16 True Love Uncommon Emote Royale Hearts Get romantic. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Tsssss Tsssss Rare Emote Your time here is done. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
TwistEmote Twist Rare Emote It's all in the hips. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-UnicycleTraversal-L Unicycle Rare Emote Because you've made choices.
Unification Unification Rare Emote Balance the forces. Darkfire Bundle
Unwrapped Unwrapped Uncommon Emote What did you get me? 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-MagicMan-L Verve Rare Emote It's all about the energy. Party Royale
Very Sneaky Very Sneaky Rare Emote Stealth mode engaged. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Vibin'Emote Vibin' Rare Emote Find your groove. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
VivaciousEmote Vivacious Epic Emote Never stop dancing. 800 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-AmazingForever-L Wakandan Salute Marvel Emote Black Panther Wakanda Forever. Wakanda Forever Quests
Wanna See Me - Emote Wanna See Me Icon Emote Do your dance. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
WaterworksEmote Waterworks Uncommon Emote Show 'em your battle cry. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Emote29 Wave Uncommon Emote Express yourself on the battlefield. Battle Pass Season 2
Wavy T Wavy T Uncommon Emote Strike a wavy pose. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 1
Welcome! Welcome! Uncommon Emote Show us the way! 100 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Well Rounded New Well Rounded Rare Emote Take your turn. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Where Is Matt Where is Matt? Rare Emote Show the world your moves. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Whipcrack Whipcrack DC Emote Gotham City Whip up some action. 300 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Catwoman Pack
Whirlwind Whirlwind Rare Emote Around and around abound. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Widow'sPirouetteIcon Widow's Pirouette Marvel Emote Avengers A deadly dance. 200 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Wiggle Wiggle Rare Emote Never stop wigglin'. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Windmill Floss Windmill Floss Rare Emote Take it all the way around. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
T-Icon-Emotes-E-Hilda-L Witch Way Rare Emote The only way to fly. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Work It Work It Rare Emote Split the dancefloor. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
WorkItOutEmote Work It Out Rare Emote Break a sweat. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Yay!Icon Yay! Uncommon Emote So excited! Battle Pass Season 9
YoureAwesomeEmote You're Awesome Rare Emote Seriously. We all think so. Battle Pass Season 5
ZanyEmote Zany Rare Emote Go ahead, get weird with it. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop
Zombified Zombified Rare Emote Braaaains. 500 V-bucks icon Item Shop

Built-In Emotes[]

Image Name Rarity Type Set Description Cost Source
B.R.U.T.A.L. Dab B.R.U.T.A.L. Dab Common Built-In Emote Mecha flex on 'em. B.R.U.T.E.
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HighTowerGrape-L Battle Brother Marvel Built-In Emote Groot Don't forget your favorite furry pal. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 4, Awakening Challenges, Groot (outfit)
Bio-Helmet Online (Emote) Bio-Helmet Online Legendary Built-In Emote Jungle Hunter They'll never see you coming. Jungle Hunter Quests, Predator (outfit)
Boom! Boom! Epic Built-In Emote Short Fuse It's a blast. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 2, TNTina (outfit)
Butterfly Knife Butterfly Knife Rare Built-In Emote Espionage This will end in tears. 1200 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Hugo (outfit)
Dream Stance - Built In Emote Dream Stance Legendary Built-In Emote Tap into the Glyphs Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 6, Raz (outfit)
Extracurricularmor Extracurricularmor Epic Built-In Emote Oakwitch Academy For when knowledge isn't enough power. 1500 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Isabelle (outfit)
T-Icon-Emotes-E-TripleScoop-L Freewheelin' Epic Built-In Emote Rink Raiders Skate through life. Derby Dynamo Challenge Pack, Derby Dynamo (outfit)
T-Icon-Emotes-E-Historian-L Freezing Burst GamingLegends Built-In Emote Oathbreaker Unleash the frozen Leviathan. 1000 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Leviathan Axe (harvesting tool), Kratos Bundle
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HighTowerSquash-L Gale Force Marvel Built-In Emote Storm Control the elements! Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 4, Awakening Challenges, Storm (outfit)
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HighTowerHoneydew-L Gamma Overload Marvel Built-In Emote She-Hulk Transform into She-Hulk. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 4, Awakening Challenges, Jennifer Walters (outfit)
GlitterUpEmote Glitter-Up Rare Built-In Emote Llama Rodeo What a sparkly mess! Battle Pass Season 6, Giddy-Up (outfit), Item Shop, Yee-Haw! (outfit)
T-Icon-Emotes-E-ProfessorPup-L Go Cat Go Epic Built-In Emote Mecha Kitty Grab and go. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 3, Kit (outfit)
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HighTowerTapas-L God of Thunder Marvel Built-In Emote Thor Only the worthy can raise Mjolnir in battle. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 4, Awakening Challenges, Thor (outfit)
HerosBeacon Hero's Beacon Legendary Built-In Emote Boundless Light the signal. 1800 V-bucks icon Item Shop, The Mighty Volt (outfit), Hunter (outfit), Blastoff (outfit), Hypersonic (outfit), Wanderlust (outfit), Joltara (outfit), Dynamo Dancer (outfit), Firebrand (outfit), Polarity (outfit), Backlash (outfit)
T-Icon-Emotes-E-Cosmos-L Hover Pram Control StarWars Built-In Emote The Mandalorian Keep him close. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 5, The Child (pet)
T-Icon-Emotes-E-Lexa-L Hunter Protocol Epic Built-In Emote Y-Labs Hunter Set mechafusion levels to maximum. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 5, Lexa (outfit)
Icon (29) Lazer Flex Icon Built-In Emote Lazerism Armed and dangerous. 1600 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Major Lazer Bundle, Major Lazer (outfit)
Levitate Levitate Legendary Built-In Emote Overseer Rise above. Samsung Galaxy Note10 promotions, Glow (outfit)
Light Up Light Up Uncommon Built-In Emote Piney Fresh Bright idea. Winterfest, Lt. Evergreen (outfit)
Lightning Kick! - Emote Lightning Kick! GamingLegends Built-In Emote Street Fighter Hundred Lightning Legs! 1600 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Ryu & Chun-Li Bundle, Chun-Li (outfit)
Ollie Bounce Ollie Bounce Epic Built-In Emote Quest Friends We make a great team! Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 2, Skye (outfit)
PeelyPulseEmoteBI Peely Pulse Epic Built-In Emote Bunker Days Blend in to your surroundings. P-1000's Challenge Pack, P-1000 (outfit)
Power Roar Power Roar Frozen Built-In Emote Polar Legends Scream of the Devourer. Polar Legends Pack, The Devourer (outfit)
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HighTowerMango-L Shapeshifter Marvel Built-In Emote Mystique Eliminate your opponent and borrow their appearance. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 4, Awakening Challenges, Mystique (outfit)
Shoryuken! - Emote Shoryuken! GamingLegends Built-In Emote Street Fighter Rising Dragon Fist! 1600 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Ryu (outfit), Ryu & Chun-Li Bundle
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HighTowerWasabi-L Snikt! Marvel Built-In Emote Wolverine Equip Wolverine's adamantium claws. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 4, Wolverine Challenges, Wolverine (outfit)
SpinOut Spin Out Epic Built-In Emote Catssassin Don't forget to pose. 1500 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Vix (outfit)
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HighTowerTomato-L Suit Up Marvel Built-In Emote Iron Man Transform into Iron Man. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 4, Awakening Challenges, Tony Stark (outfit)
Swole Cat Swole Cat Epic Built-In Emote Swole Cat Gotta get those gains. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 2, Meowscles (outfit)
T-Icon-Emotes-E-GunspinnerSyrup-L Syrup Slinger Rare Built-In Emote The Breakfast Bandit Syrup the ante. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 5, Mancake (outfit)
Tower Guard - Emote Tower Guard Legendary Built-In Emote Blooming Spire There's no turning back. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 6, Spire Assassin (outfit)
Turbocharged Turbocharged Epic Built-In Emote Final Showdown Wind up and let em have it. 1600 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Mecha Team Leader (outfit)
T-Icon-Emotes-E-FutureSamurai-L Vengeful Wish Epic Built-In Emote Spirit of Vengeance He's been waiting for this for a long time. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 5, Kondor (outfit)
T-Icon-Emotes-E-HighTowerDate-L Victory Von Doom Marvel Built-In Emote Doctor Doom Earn a Victory Royal and sit in judgement with Doctor Doom's built-in emote. Battle Pass Chapter 2 Season 4, Awakening Challenges, Doctor Doom (outfit)
We Are Venom Emote Icon We Are Venom Marvel Built-In Emote Venom Watch your brains. 2000 V-bucks icon Marvel Knockout Super Series - Venom Cup, Item Shop, Venom (outfit)
Witchcraft Witchcraft Epic Built-In Emote Arcane Arts Share your magic. 1500 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Hemlock (outfit)
Xeno Menace Emote Icon Xeno Menace Epic Built-In Emote In Space... Don't spoil your appetite. 1600 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Ripley & Xenomorph Bundle, Xenomorph (outfit)
Xylo-bone Xylo-bone Epic Built-In Emote Banana Bunch Real music comes from the inside. 1500 V-bucks icon Item Shop, Peely Bone (outfit)

Party Royale Emotes[]

Image Name Rarity Type Set Description Cost Source
Beckon Beckon Uncommon Party Royale Emote Party Emote Party Royale
Cheer Cheer Uncommon Party Royale Emote Party Emote Party Royale
Clap Clap Uncommon Party Royale Emote Party Emote Party Royale
Glowsticks Icon Glow On Epic Party Royale Emote Glow with the music and dance. Party Royale
Nod Head Nod Head Uncommon Party Royale Emote Party Emote Party Royale
Phone Wave Phone Wave Uncommon Party Royale Emote Party Emote Party Royale
Point Finger Point Finger Uncommon Party Royale Emote Party Emote Party Royale
Shake Head Shake Head Uncommon Party Royale Emote Party Emote Party Royale
Sit Sit Uncommon Party Royale Emote Party Emote Party Royale
T-Icon-Emotes-E-Papaya-WaveComm-L Wave Uncommon Party Royale Emote Party Emote Party Royale


6.10 Patch Notes (October 16, 2018 )
Bug Fixes
  • Audio ‘pops’ no longer occur when emote music loops.

Patch 5.10 (July 24, 2018)

Bug Fixes
  • Players will no longer hold weapons while emoting if they’re riding in an All Terrain Kart.
  • Crouching is no longer allowed while emoting.
  • The Wave emote, emoticons, and sprays will now continue to play even if you’re moving.

Patch 5.0 (July 12, 2018)

  • Emoting will now interrupt sprinting.